I guess it's a normal post-Paris-visit condition: everything around
seems to be unbearably dull and unrefined. So I tried some marble self-therapy
(but in a very practical context - have to get back to real life eventually!).
What we have here are pretty white kitchens with marble spicing, for those with
a secret weakness for old-school luxury.
seems to be unbearably dull and unrefined. So I tried some marble self-therapy
(but in a very practical context - have to get back to real life eventually!).
What we have here are pretty white kitchens with marble spicing, for those with
a secret weakness for old-school luxury.
Turbūt tai normali būsena, grįžus iš Paryžiaus. Galima ją pavadinti post-Paryžiaus
elegancijos deficito sindromu. Aplink viskas atrodo tragiškai nesubtilu ir negražu.
Taigi išbandžiau marmuro terapiją (bet labai praktiniame kontekste - reikia juk pagaliau
grįžti į realybę!). Romantiškos baltos virtuvės su marmuro pagardinimu tiems, kas
turi užslėptą silpnybę klasikinei prabangai.