For me, these homes possess a dream quality that is just so bittersweet. The lives that one
imagines to go on behind these large sunlit windows (French shutters and all) seem so perfect
and desirable. Then you have to confront your own reality and for a moment or two it doesn't
look so very pretty. But daydreaming is only good for you in small doses, so you get
back to work or whatever it is you're doing, and forget it all. Till the next enchanting image
of an Italian villa, Parisian townhouse or Louisiana mansion...
and desirable. Then you have to confront your own reality and for a moment or two it doesn't
look so very pretty. But daydreaming is only good for you in small doses, so you get
back to work or whatever it is you're doing, and forget it all. Till the next enchanting image
of an Italian villa, Parisian townhouse or Louisiana mansion...
It's just a never-ending tease.
Man šie svajonių namai tokie gražūs, kad net ima graudulys. Įsivaizduoju už šių prancūziškų
langinių idealius gyvenimus, ir akimirką kitą mano pačios realybė neatrodo tokia jau graži.
Bet svajoti geriau saugiomis dozėmis, tad grįžtu prie darbų ir užmirštu. Iki sekančio užburiančio
vaizdelio: itališkos vilos, senovinio namo Paryžiuje ar Luizianos rūmų... Tai toks tiesiog niekada
nesibaigiantis namų viliotinis.
Campagne Decoration
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