Thought I'd start the week with a high note.
Ah, the luxury! Ah, the lovely garden view (below)... Ah, the good life!
These rooms are located in very different parts of the world, but there are two things
they have in common: taste and luxury. Someone spent a lot of time and money
decorating them, and, well... it shows.
These rooms are located in very different parts of the world, but there are two things
they have in common: taste and luxury. Someone spent a lot of time and money
decorating them, and, well... it shows.
Nusprenžiau pradėti savaitę aukšta nata.
Ak, ta prabanga! Ak, tas vaizdas į sodą (viršuje)... Ak, čia tai gyvenimėlis.
Šie kambariai yra labai skirtingose pasaulio vietose, bet juos sieja du dalykai:
skonis ir prabanga. Kažkas jų dekoravimui paaukojo daug laiko ir pinigų, ir ką gi - tai matosi...
Atlanta Homes&Lifestyles
Photographer William Waldron
Photographer William Waldron
Šie kambariai yra labai skirtingose pasaulio vietose, bet juos sieja du dalykai:
skonis ir prabanga. Kažkas jų dekoravimui paaukojo daug laiko ir pinigų, ir ką gi - tai matosi...
Atlanta Homes&Lifestyles
Photographer William Waldron
Photographer William Waldron
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